These things don’t necessarily connect yet I keep remembering the importance, yes important, I’ve documenting the beautiful mundane of a life I’m so grateful for, ergo:
Our adorable kitchen set up as seen from our table with the fruit, skin cream, water craft, French press coffee, a pot of stew on the stove and that beautiful blue tile, glimpses of artifacts, squash, chopsticks & an oven – all through diffused lightOur friends Robert and Sandra returned to a special island off of Bali Indonesia from Montreal after a three year absence, now that we’re vaguely in the same time zone, we gave them a call to “welcome them back to Asia” which of course, includes a cheesy snapshot of us bundled up in our chilly morning houseRecently, I spotted a ¥10 pink rotary dialed pay phone at a supermarket, complete with a taxi phone number next to tables where someone can sit and have a coffee or a deli lunch… I really like these kind of “super normal yet somehow unique” places. Anyhow, I have a phone just like it which I love and hear it is next to a painting by Jean Smith which reminds me of my mother and a bit of pink drape (salvage from our wedding decorations) which covers my electronic gizmosA package from Subpop records arrived, I barely had a chance to listen to records recently but put on this glorious Iron & Wine double album – which is the soundtrack to a movie about them or some thing… This translucent blue vinyl is so exquisite so I snapped it as it was spinning on the Yamaha GT 2000 turntableStill haunted by the story of Sinead O’Connor, so brilliant and well spoken and thoughtful but so challenged and could watch from a distance her mental health imploding yet none of the people who were making money off of her or the “famous people” or the mental health professionals or psychiatrists were there to help. So many questions, but mostly I just feel so sad. This double album is on translucent off-white vinyl and shows such range and diversity (as well as memories)Since coming back from the “BC invasion” my studio area hasn’t got the love and attention, especially about keeping it tidy, as usual. Suitcases everywhere, stacks of records, envelopes filled with posters, stickers, snapshots, artifacts and ephemera, scrapbooks to be filled, hockey jerseys which came out to be aired out and maybe photographed all over the place, a lovely drum set (Tama cocktail jam), two new microphones on stands, one new Fender amp and I need several days in there just to pull everything back together – I’m not a “neat freak” well… I really like things to be tidy and organized so when I want to do a project, I can just “do it” not spend the time to find all the things and waste my energyHere’s a close-up of the Fender R.A.D.amp, but it used for ¥8000, I like it because it has lots of inputs and outputs and versatility, 100 W, and has a soft felt kind of covering on the outside. It’s in great shape and I’m looking forward to using it. Yes, this means I also got a guitar which I have not shown you yet.To connect all these microphones, guitar, ukulele, drum kits percussion odds and ends, keyboards to a 2011 vintage MacBook, one requires an audio interface so, here is an audio interface. Once I tidy up, it will come out of the box and connect to a machine and then who knows what will happen? Hint: albumThis should be filed under “sweet rides” or with the diary about hot springs and hamburgers, however… Here it is with miscellanea, and miniature sized Harley of some kind and a tricked out super cub as seen in Uno poured out front of the burger/cofffee/hosstel place