Landlady’s always angry
So I keep stranger hours
Meditate to TV static
Decorate with fresh flower
Use the payphone downstairs
Still with a rotary dial
Instant coffee in electric kettle
Takeaway leftovers wrapped in foil
I will wait for you
In this cold water flat
Paid 3 months in advance
For this walk-up tenement
I’ve waited near a decade now
Loved other in between
But affections are on hiatus
Until you conquer me
Complications acknowledged
I’m complicit to the scheme
Reinvention and retribution
Or maybe something in between
I’m still waiting for you
In this cold water flat
Three storey Victorian lady
I’ve mailed you a scribbled map
Hot water register yawns
Either freezes of burns
Three coins to run the washer
Dirt spins and I yearn
Two bricks and stolen planks
Fashion a sturdy coffee table
Year old magazines bore me
Come quickly – as soon as you’re able
Registered with a fake name
Though i’ve nothing to fear
Endearments terms are wide open
Come by whenever, I’m always here
I’m here sequestered
In this cold water home
Hinges are rusty squeaky
Mournful jazz saxophone
Gave up the booze mostly
And usually the smokes
My addictions have changed now
Hooked on lamenting lost hope
I’m better than you expected
Finer than you’ve wished
My heart is wide open
Like a cliche cinema kiss
Please come to me
In this cold water room
I’ve survived the winter barely
And desire you so very soon
There’s a broken bidet
and a persian french cat
striped awning across the street
where strangers wait for a bus
going home to a fresh bottle
cork just popped by a lover
or even a gentle friend –
envy is useless emotion
as is its cousin jealousy
takes all my self-restraint
to maintain dignity
not shout out the window
go home, go quick
love you fools, be loved