Ichiro: breakkie & drum / coin hangout in the kura barn #io – Dave Olson's Creative Life Archive

Ichiro: breakkie & drum / coin hangout in the kura barn #io

Ichiro out n about rocking is “packpack” with his remarkable Mom: Saturday was her singing gig and sunday at professional arborist association meet-up/lecture and tree explorations

{Because I’m completely over the moon in love with this kid} here are 3 more snapshots + 1 video, ergo:

1) Gong Show trading cards waiting since 1970s to be opened
2) box of my childhood knick-knacks he loves digging through
3) Russian piggy bank full of global coins (new drums in bg)

My in-house drum technician helping set up new Tama cocktail jam set in kura barn studio #io / eight seconds of awesome

Bonus: saturday breakfast time with scrambled egg and fruit yogurt breakfast (coffee for me, honey milk for him) before heading out for activities

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