Introducing Baby Ichiro’s Name: Japan Cottage Musings – Dave Olson's Creative Life Archive

Introducing Baby Ichiro’s Name: Japan Cottage Musings

Introducing Baby Ichiro’s Name: Japan Cottage Musings

A riff about (son born June 23rd 2020) Ichiro Stanley Thorvald Olson’s name including the kanji meaning and katakana writing plus inspirations behind each of the monikers and anecdotes about grandparents, teachers, parks, brothers and ice hockey by proud parents Dave and Ryoko in front of the family altar in Tsuchida, Okayama, Japan, August 2020 (Reiwa 2).

1 thought on “Introducing Baby Ichiro’s Name: Japan Cottage Musings”

  1. Pingback: Diary: Closing Circles with Stones ~ Grandmother to the Ohaka — Dave Olson Creative Life Archive

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