Museum / Exhibit: Rodin Wing of Shizuoka Pref MoA / Japan, 2017 – Dave Olson's Creative Life Archive

Museum / Exhibit: Rodin Wing of Shizuoka Pref MoA / Japan, 2017

Along a travel by ship from California to Hong Kong, came a few stops in Japan including Shizuoka which led to a visit to the “Rodin Wing” of Shizuoka Prefectural Museum of Art 静岡県立美術館 in Oct 2017.

Was exceptionally calm, peaceful and relaxed feeling, examining the cast bronze and wood statues (mostly) with no one else in the room.

Of course, I felt compelled to go for round with the daunting Dante’s “gates of hell” representation and mugging with the various god-like figures with flowing beards

i mean, who is who anyhow?

Indeed, most of these photos were captured by my secretive travel companion (please consider this a sincere “thank you” for your contribution), but as is the reason for these museum round-ups, displayed for my own recollection, inspiration, and personal creative documentation.

oh my goodness! how i want this wild boar for my barn

Importantly, noting that this museum had a decent gift shop – at which I purchased many items, the usual postcards, stationary etc. – and also, a pleasant Rodin Terrace café where I enjoyed a lovely coffee (and/or iced matcha). (Note to self: I bet you have a photo of that tea somewhere).

Wishing you safe trips and divine comedies, always.

Field Notes regarding exhibit/museum/gallery/garden dossiers:

These posts, such as they are, are for recollection, inspiration, reference and possible remixing. I say this to remind myself these round-ups are not meant to be textbooks, comprehensive guides, analysis – critical or otherwise, or a “master’s thesis”. So much goodness in these exhibits – whether grand and well-funded museums or (my favourite) grassroots operations, or even spontaneous art around the edges in unexpected circumstances – that i enjoy archiving.

Also noting often, museums have a “no photo” policy and of course, art and artifacts are best experienced in-person, or with fine reproductions at least, so consider my humble dossirs as a stand-in, in the meanwhile, with a special eye to shut-ins and other who have a hard time getting out and about.

Photography encouraged
from Douglas Coupland’s “Everything is Everywhere is Anywhere” exhibit

As such, these round-ups will be lightly annotated with usually (just) the name of the museum, possible circumstance and/or approximate date of the visit, possible link to museum website and or map for your reference and then a flow of photos.

I almost always buy museum exhibit books, as well as many other items from the gift shop, so if you have any specific questions about any of the pieces displayed, please leave a comment and I’ll do my best to add some additional colour commentary – no guarantees.

Meta Note: actual trip Oct 2017, draft assembled Oct. 2019, tidied and published Aug-Sept 2022

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