DaveStock #UW42 + #Danimal39, 2012 / Lynn Valley, North Van

UW42 Invitation DaveStock
UW42 / Davestock invitation


Details: Dave O’s birthday is Aug. 16th and Dan O’s birthday is Aug 1st – celebration on Aug 18th

Entertainment = You. Musicians, Poets, and Chooglers! Bring your talents and tools. PA is provided

Bring a T-shirt to silkscreen + enjoy mural painting, green room activities, bocce tourney, hookah lounge, photo ops etc.

Transit: Seabus + 228 or 210/209 to end of the line

Pets with RSVP and youngsters with supervision

Hash: #UW42 and #Danimal39

Evidence: UW40 on Flickr

Provisions, etc:

Festival food and libations provided

Bring blanket or chair + beer stein

Bring tent to camp over (no driving you drunkards!)

No whiners, slobs or weapons #peace

Danimal 39 invitation