A fond salute of admiration to exceptional, compassionate, empathetic and skilled medical professionals who have helped me along on this healing journey. Admiration for their tenacity in training, professionalism in practice, and kindness and patience shown to this ole brokedown poet. #respect
Keep Diggin'
Yup, I stay pretty busy…
Healing Ramble / December 23, 2015
Went shopping today. Got a new toothbrush. Yup, I stay pretty busy.…
yard sale zen sign
Healing Ramble / September 24, 2013
if you are going to make a yard sale sign then… you…
Woke up feeling…
Healing Ramble / April 26, 2014
Woke up feeling scared & confused about life &; *everything*. This illness…
while I’m out and about…
Healing Ramble / December 29, 2013
while I’m out and about (& oversharing), my next stop is a…
When I’m feeling blue, I try to lively up…
Healing Ramble / October 13, 2014
When I’m feeling blue, I try to lively up by spreading a…
What i Want… Fully
Healing Ramble / July 20, 2018
I want to laugh so hard my face is going to fall…