Diary: Hopeful logistical annotations (not about wild boar) – Dave Olson's Creative Life Archive

Diary: Hopeful logistical annotations (not about wild boar)

I hope you enjoy hanging out with my unnecessary annotations.

Summary: yes, +/- 90% of my creative energy of late is spent on government paperwork – passports, taxes x3, disability, resident permits, visas, insurance, pensions, various IDs, certified translations, notaries etc. (the rest of the time, i eat oatmeal, fold laundry and make mix tapes).


  • Tax papers signed and sent (to one of three national jurisdictions with which i contend, (for the time being of at least) still have to submit payment
  • Scans of important family registration/birth registration papers (acquired Monday at the Ward office) sent to certified translator for certified translation (duh) plus notarization to be returned by registered mail
  • renewed domain, yes, i only pay for one or two domains now
  • unplugged hard drives and routers drain a couple hours of pretty serious thunderstorm just to be safe
  • prepared a couple more posts for the creative life archive just to get down to the “only 300” in the draft/pending folder… Anything you’re enjoying from this project recently?

Still have a few series which just need a bit of ”clean up” to finish (much of which I can do from bed in a semifog) but a lot of stuff is just gonna wait for another “blitz” run.

Gonna slow this project down I think as I need to move on to three different projects:

1) finish Kerouac in Kobe video, I’m really close, but editing video is so rough on my eyes! October is a big month in the Kerouac world and I wanna make my contribution.

2) Google Drive shakedown, move/archive/back up files, cancel my 2 TB subscription (this is final step in my “quitting the saas” project this year in which i’ve canceled more than a dozen various online subscriptions which were really handy when iwas nomadic but now kind of redundant expense)

3) poetry book manuscript assembling project / long overdue, have the poems (so many!), have a concept/working title, and moving poems around is much easier on my eyes then video. It’s not something that will “make money” but it will feed my soul and hopefully inspire my friends (that’s you!).

Once I do this, then I can move on to a book of nonfiction travel stories and then a book of fictional short stories but first, these poems need an audience to breathe life into them – thoughts?

Today though, gotta:

  • prepare the originals of the aforementioned important documents to go to the “certified translator” company and mail
  • prepare a few notes as I am back to Okayama university hospital #MECFS research tomorrow
  • plus usual dishes and laundry (wife is out doing field arborist work today)

So hopefully will have a little bit of time to sneak out to the barn, make some more burned CDs and mixtapes and listen to some records, sort some papers and stationæry.

Another note to myself:

the next task in the poetry project is transcribing the notes from that one journal that talk about:

  • what it is
  • what it is not
  • what is the connective tissue which binds these all together?
  • is this 1 biggish book or 2-3 smaller ones?

Then, make a laundry list of candidate poems and decide (likely with assistance) which are:

a) “definitely yes”
b) “possibility with some tuning”
c) and which are for “another project down the road”

working title: Circumnavigation of Sorts

But first, oatmeal, a Tottori pear and more coffee…

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