On this Shinkonryoko (honeymoon) ramble, we ventured from our home in Okayama to various locations, most of which are noted on the accompanying map. We had planned a tentative map a few months earlier but streamlined the ramble a bit for logistics and keep tuned-in to calm locations.

Note: Japan consist of 43 prefectures (県 ken) proper, two urban prefectures (府 fu, Osaka and Kyoto), one “circuit” or “territory” (道 dō, Hokkaido) and one “metropolis” (都 to, Tokyo). Overall, we visited (either passing through, transferring, staying) in the following jurisdictions.
- Okayama / start finish
- Hyogo / pass
- Osaka-fu / transfer
- Kyoto-fu / pass
- Shiga / pass
- Fukui / pass
- Ishikawa / stay, various
- Toyama / stay, various
- Nagano / stay, various
- Niigata / stay
- Gunma / pass
- Saitama / pass
- Tokyo-to / pass
- Kanagawa / stay
- Shizuoka / pass
- Aichi / pass
- Gifu / pass
As a “running log” of Ryoko and my rambles together, add the following places we’ve also stayed:
- Tottori
- Shimane
- Osaka-fu
And in other trips, i also visited stayed in these prefectures:
- Hiroshima
- Yamaguchi
- Hokkaido
- Kagawa
- Tokushima
- Kochi
- Oita
- Miyazaki
- Kagoshima
- Nara
Finally, connecting the dots on the long-ago trips, i may have passed through these additional provinces (but if i can’t really recall, hardly worth noting but anyhow…):
- Mie
- Wakayama
- Yamanashi
Blurb: On our meandering adventure of a honeymoon in May-June 2019, we travelled by many means of convenience including a wide variety of trains, rental cars, occasional coach buses and what not. See the whole Shinkonryoko Scrapbook for a mixed-media ephemera overview and a list of places visited for the curious.