Jurisdictions, passed and stayed / Shinkonryoko Ramble – Dave Olson's Creative Life Archive

Jurisdictions, passed and stayed / Shinkonryoko Ramble

On this Shinkonryoko (honeymoon) ramble, we ventured from our home in Okayama to various locations, most of which are noted on the accompanying map. We had planned a tentative map a few months earlier but streamlined the ramble a bit for logistics and keep tuned-in to calm locations. 

Note: Japan consist of 43 prefectures ( ken) proper, two urban prefectures ( fuOsaka and Kyoto), one “circuit” or “territory” ( Hokkaido) and one “metropolis” ( toTokyo). Overall, we visited (either passing through, transferring, staying) in the following jurisdictions.

  1. Okayama / start finish
  2. Hyogo / pass
  3. Osaka-fu / transfer
  4. Kyoto-fu / pass
  5. Shiga / pass
  6. Fukui / pass
  7. Ishikawa / stay, various
  8. Toyama / stay, various
  9. Nagano / stay, various
  10. Niigata / stay
  11. Gunma / pass
  12. Saitama / pass
  13. Tokyo-to / pass
  14. Kanagawa / stay
  15. Shizuoka / pass
  16. Aichi / pass
  17. Gifu / pass

As a “running log” of Ryoko and my rambles together, add the following places we’ve also stayed:

  1. Tottori
  2. Shimane
  3. Osaka-fu

And in other trips, i also visited stayed in these prefectures:

  1. Hiroshima
  2. Yamaguchi
  3. Hokkaido
  4. Kagawa
  5. Tokushima
  6. Kochi
  7. Oita
  8. Miyazaki
  9. Kagoshima
  10. Nara

Finally, connecting the dots on the long-ago trips, i may have passed through these additional provinces (but if i can’t really recall, hardly worth noting but anyhow…):

  1. Mie
  2. Wakayama
  3. Yamanashi

Blurb: On our meandering adventure of a honeymoon in May-June 2019, we travelled by many means of convenience including a wide variety of trains, rental cars, occasional coach buses and what not. See the whole Shinkonryoko Scrapbook for a mixed-media ephemera overview and a list of places visited for the curious.

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