Notebook poetry scribbles, new keys & records (in the kura studio) – Dave Olson's Creative Life Archive

Notebook poetry scribbles, new keys & records (in the kura studio)

In bed sick a lot these last weeks/months #MECFS, which means I scribbled a lot in my bedside notebooks while in the fog.

Mostly will be filed in my “old man punk” dossier meeting semi-lyrical, probably angsty, likely too revealing bits & scraps of shiny foolish gold… which may eventually become songs or otherwise.

So anyhow, came out to the barn studio today just to bring/move some stuff around and try and get my brain and body moving a wee and set-up a device ideal for transcribing.

(thanks to Neal Cropper for keys & Rebecca & John Bollwitt for Yukon notebook)

And, listened to Television “Marquee Moon” = vinyl perfection

Also got the soundtrack to Wes Anderson’s “the French Dispatch“ along with another record by “top top” a.k.a. Jarvis Cocker which goes along with the movies vibes (i guess), also a poster in the pack (signed).

annnd a non/fictional magazine, seen here with a copy of the inspiration source The New Yorker and another French culture magazine (in English).

Somehow it makes me think of the Borges quote “the original is unfaithful to the translation“.

As it goes, while I’ve collected artifacts about the movie, I still haven’t had a chance to see it here in Japan (Yes I can get it from dodgy sources but waiting for proper Japanese subtitles so I can enjoy with my family).

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