Tag Archives: buymeacoffee

Love Letters to Lovers Never Met

Everyone needs love letters, even from lover’s you’ve never met, or never will… The mystery and alchemy of combining ink, metal, paper, glue & affection/intention and sending into the abyss where, somehow, through the efforts of many hands and assorted machines, auto-magically time travels into your heart. Crisp, tactile, affected by the elements, scarred as such by the journey.

Of course I’m *always* writing letters and postcards ~ with paints and poems ~ and as it goes, February 14, my love was climbing matsu pine trees to cut into decorative arrangements on a blustery day in Okayama, and I sat quietly in a second-floor room with analog tools and a full heart.

Now, these dispatches – which required circumnavigations to create & augmented with mixed media splendour ~ will make their way to spark other hearts, possibly yours. Or someone’s heart you wish to spark. I’m here to help. #PostcardsAvailable