Tag Archives: summer

August Ends, so we go on…

{This end of this summer is not melancholy for m/we, no one leaves to school or to deserts or even to foreign lands, it just ends with a storm}

August ends
September begins
Ganesh comes to visit removing all obstacles.
“All of them Ganesh, all of them?”

So we go on:
Two big plans
in one week, next week –
for now,
The power returns
though I remain in the dark
waiting a turn.

typhoon weather
morning teapot fills up
with rainwater

The edge of a typhoon at Tsuchida cottage, The lad and I turned the couch to face the window and he cuddled a bit when the thunder was loud

Summer plans: Baritone Ukulele and writing hiragana / katakana

On my stated list of objectives for this year, I plan to:

1) Learn to play a song or 3 on baritone ukulele to amuse my baby boy. I’m up to 4 chords but strumming still clumsy. Sorta figured out tabs & even printed Early Morning Rain & Landslide & Wheat Kings.


2) Learn to read/write Japanese characters *properly* since I live here, I figured it would be handy – ugh. Noting I’m much better at place name and personal name kanji characters that I am at phonetic kana – thank it’s the same misfiring neural synapse is that prevent me from memorizing the most basic of phone numbers #Dyscalculia

3) Probably something else but I’ll stick to those two.

PS (Really there’s a mighty long list of things to do for putting the house back together, fixing up yard & garden, as well as “life administration” tasks but file the above under personal improvement/enjoyment).