Disguise: Vincent van Gogh, with pals: Jack Kerouac & Joaquin Phoenix – Dave Olson's Creative Life Archive

Disguise: Vincent van Gogh, with pals: Jack Kerouac & Joaquin Phoenix

You caught Vincent van Gogh fuzzy portraits perhaps but though often solitary – aside from Letters to Theo – on this wild night at Vancouver’s Waldorf Hotel, Tiki bar and artspace in 2011(?), dear ole Vince managed to time travel with some friends, Jack and Joaquin

Halloween, Vancouver, circa 2011?

Van Gogh: daveo disguised
Vincent van Gogh, 1 (at Waldorf Hotel with a terrible cold, drinking hot toddies)

Further context:

painting by Jack Kerouac
Joaquin Phoenix in alter-ego on David Letterman

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