Tag Archives: BookArt

Post’d: Dossier from Sicmon Islands (so to speak)

A dispatch arrived from the master of postcards (as well as epistolary literature, postal culture, stamp design and mixed media goodness) Nick Bantock, noted for the exceptional “Griffin and Sabine“ series as well as many other wonderful books of ephemera, pop-up art, and goodness knows how else to describe his unique creations.

the contents are splendid and the package, just as much so! the post office must love him

Going to open this carefully and frame the contents as well as the package.

{yes, that is my postal address and you can mail me things and I’ll send you something back usually}.

PS bonus, (lousy photo of) Griffun & Sabine books with Japanese “legend translation” pull-out

Redundant note: Griffin & Sabine is the start of an extraordinary correspondence which stretches out 7 books eventually. They’re all very mixed-media with pull out letters, fully-designed custom postcards, different fountain pens/typewriters for each of the characters, designed and printed stamps, both inky and postal. Published by Chronicle Books.