Catholic Parade for John Paul 2 in Santiago de Compostella, Spain

Whether by divine decree or coincidence, we happened into the famed Spanish town of Santiago de Compostela the day before Pope John Paul II died.

I’m not a Catholic but wondered in the pageantry and the amazement of the pilgrims completing their walk on the Camino De Santiago.

During this time, I attended my first and only mass at the giant and well used Cathedral. The giant vats of incense swaying, bells ringing in discord, and this parade happening as we walked to mass.

The ladies had their best haridos and the dudes all walk chill and then throngs of priests in their finery hefting and shrine and beating the ground with their canes.

Also I ate a cracker and touched the bones of San Ignacio AKA Saint James. It is believed in the lore of some cultures that Santiago was the secret hiding place for Jesus Christ’s family or himself and his entourage, further, this is purported to be a strong hold of the Knights Templar who emerged during the Crusades but were thwarted during the various Inquisitions… except the one who continued the traditions in Santiago…

Anyhow, here’s a bit of a parade filmed in 2005 on a Sony Hi8 tape camera. Glad it survived to share.

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