The Kids are Alright – Canucks Outsider #25

Dave Thorvald catches up on a smattering of Canucks topics including trade deadline deals, inter-personal relationship intrigue, playoff forecast and players knowing their role.

Listen to Canucks Outsider #25!

canucks static montage
Canucks static montage

Plus updates on Giants playoff series versus Prince George Cougars, B.C. Women’s Championship, Winter Olympic flag ceremony, and an unusual amount of housekeeping details where Dave pimps his other podcasts, encourages listener participation and schelps Bryght websites.

Mentions of:
Vancouver Canucks Op-Ed
Darren Barefoot
Radio Zoom
Vancouver Sun article about podcasting “Now hear this! Part 2”
Vancouver Canucks newsgroup
Postcards from Gravelly Beach
(literature podcast)
Choogle on with Uncle Weed (podcast of adventures and hi-jinx)
Clubside Breakfast Time (eggs, bacon and Olympia music)
i am dave (at)

furlong and flag
VANOC CEO John Furlong

BC Women’s hockey championship at Harry Jerome

Pics by Dave O