Cherry blossoms, not yet
But hooray ceremonial peach tree!

On way to dentist
First, drop Stan at school
See tree Ryoko trimmed up (with a variety of saws)
To the delight of the teachers

Egg salad sandwich at konbini to take with medicine
Mailed a package with treasures – via Utah to Kyoto somehow, with evidence of four legends intact – from a different than my usual local post office. Somehow it felt like cheating / always remarkable how all #JapanPost employees are all so well put together, chipper & efficient

Contents of the package containing evidence and artifacts from/of:
Edward Abbey
R. Crumb
Doug Peacock
Ken Sanders
(Not my photo, recent from Albuquerque, I made it into a postcard, yes the back is decorated but I can’t show you)

Quick stop at photo studio (to order prints) and noted an interesting display of Citroën car-related items in loo
{Memories of a wild psychedelic night at an old castle in Germany which ended up with seven (at least) jammed into a 2CV bounding off-road to a hospital // it’s a long story}

And a stop at an interesting shop for Shodo (calligraphy) and related mounting/framing supplies. Purchased several items as want to improve skills in this craft

Post-Dentist Ramen. My mouth is frozen (Mouth so frozen but kind of wish I could stay that way till it’s finished) so I wore a bib.

The super secret best place that I don’t say its name always has a monthly special // today started April & Spring with a lovely “dip the cool noodles in the savory broth” accompanied by lots of spring onions. Delightful!

Oh yeah dentist: Still no smile & at least two more dental visits to come to resolve the conundrum in my back bottom teeth…

Not a lot of fun but the Dentist place is fantastic: efficient, all young-ish doctors and techs with latest training and technology.
I have snapshots of the imaging from the abscess in my teeth but I will spare us all from the sight :(
PS (Need whiskey)

Bonus: VW microbus is ace condition

Bonus bonus: Sweet electric assist bike, kitted out for transporting two kids and cargo // this is a real SUV