Diary: dentist, ramen, trees, VW, Citroëns, shodo – completely usual activities – Dave Olson's Creative Life Archive

Diary: dentist, ramen, trees, VW, Citroëns, shodo – completely usual activities

Cherry blossoms, not yet
But hooray ceremonial peach tree!

Wedding present from the city Peachtree – this one and it’s smaller friend both need moved due to impending construction

On way to dentist
First, drop Stan at school
See tree Ryoko trimmed up (with a variety of saws)
To the delight of the teachers

Ryoko trimmed this tree at the preschool to the amazement of all

Egg salad sandwich at konbini to take with medicine

Mailed a package with treasures – via Utah to Kyoto somehow, with evidence of four legends intact – from a different than my usual local post office. Somehow it felt like cheating / always remarkable how all #JapanPost employees are all so well put together, chipper & efficient

Postbox at the post office, first time at this location

Contents of the package containing evidence and artifacts from/of:

Edward Abbey
R. Crumb
Doug Peacock
Ken Sanders

(Not my photo, recent from Albuquerque, I made it into a postcard, yes the back is decorated but I can’t show you)

package via Utah to Kyoto with heroes x 4 inside

Quick stop at photo studio (to order prints) and noted an interesting display of Citroën car-related items in loo

{Memories of a wild psychedelic night at an old castle in Germany which ended up with seven (at least) jammed into a 2CV bounding off-road to a hospital // it’s a long story}

And a stop at an interesting shop for Shodo (calligraphy) and related mounting/framing supplies. Purchased several items as want to improve skills in this craft


Post-Dentist Ramen. My mouth is frozen (Mouth so frozen but kind of wish I could stay that way till it’s finished) so I wore a bib.

Frozen mouth, spring special Ramen

The super secret best place that I don’t say its name always has a monthly special // today started April & Spring with a lovely “dip the cool noodles in the savory broth” accompanied by lots of spring onions. Delightful!

My elegant dining companion

Oh yeah dentist: Still no smile & at least two more dental visits to come to resolve the conundrum in my back bottom teeth…

Not a lot of fun but the Dentist place is fantastic: efficient, all young-ish doctors and techs with latest training and technology.

I have snapshots of the imaging from the abscess in my teeth but I will spare us all from the sight :(

PS (Need whiskey)

HBD R. D. Scales + tyvm J. Lester

Bonus: VW microbus is ace condition

Promoting an optometrist of sorts… Captured from a moving vehicle

Bonus bonus: Sweet electric assist bike, kitted out for transporting two kids and cargo // this is a real SUV

Yes, the rider can see the road, no this is not irresponsibly dangerous dangerous, Japanese engineers thought it through, seriously hundreds of these on the road

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