“Kerouac in Kobe” in Allen Ginsberg project round-up & Beat Museum + poets of note

Allen’s Estate & Archive

So happy to be included in this fantastic Allen Ginsberg Project news round-up with my Kerouac in Kobe project // catch more goodness via @ginsbergpoem on Twtr &/or Allen Ginsberg on Fb. They do a truly incredible job of archiving, amplifying and curating so much poetic goodness.

(from Allen Ginsberg Archive, round-up} Allen Ginsberg at the April 1973 “Tribute to Jack Kerouac” at Salem State College – for more images from that historic occasion – see here

the Allen Ginsberg Project: Friday’s Weekly Round-Up – 487, excerpts follow:

Kerouac Centennial. In case anybody missed it. Here’s our two-part posting on the legendary (very first) Kerouac Conference, back in 1973 in Salem, Massachusetts – here and here 

and next Thursday and Friday, November 3 and 4,  The Beat Studies Association in collaboration with Harper College, Palatine, Illinois, will host a Jack Kerouac Centenary Conference  with keynote speaker, Ann Chartersand special presentations by Kerouac biographers, Dennis McNallyHolly George-Warren, Kerouac scholars Tim Hunt and Regina Weinreich, and Jim Sampas, executor of the Kerouac Estate

and more Kerouac – Simon Warner interviews Dave Olson on the recent (2021) Kerouac and The Beats exhibition in Kobe, Japan. and more on “Kerouac in Kobe” – see here 

I added…

Note: For the all the influences of Japan on the wider Beat community – especially Zen and haiku – this was the first comprehensive exhibit. While centered around Jack Kerouac’s “On the Road” typescript, was really reflective of roots and branches of Beats in Japan with loads of ephemera (esp from Kazu-san at http://www.flying-books.com/ including: chapbooks, posters, editions, maps, passports, records from dear Allen as well as Nanao Sakaki, Gary Snyder + Phillip Whalen and others.

Encourage anyone with an interest about this unique viewpoint to dig in to the interview with Prof Matt Theado with loads of riffs and topics and laughs, plus the “Rock and Beat Generation” interview with Simon Warner and even a spontaneous video  from my historic barn studio in provincial Okayama with topics from car crashes to Television (the band not the communications medium) to namechecks for poets Marc Zegans and Ron Whitehead and pods from Ken Bole.

+ I now have Dave Olson “tag space” at Allen Ginsberg project site

Beat Museum chiming in

Righteous words from Jerry Cimino at the Beat Museum (*of course* i have a photo essay and field notes from this stellar museum, currently, literally “On the Road” at my creative life archive), about the “Kerouac in Kobe” interview with Prof Matt Theado and the Rock and Beat Generation newsletter interview with Simon Warner – all discussed in a spontaneous video riff from historic barn studio in provincial Japan with topics ranging from car crashes to podcasts to Television (the band, not communication medium) and many points in between.

Please investigate all of the above and add your sparks to the tinder to keep the creative goodness flowing from these notable poets, scholars and renegades, ergo from Jerry:

My friend Dave Olson is a Canadian living in Japan who sends out periodic riffs on all things Beat. He has a tremendous breadth and depth to his knowledge and his delivery style is authentically engaging. You should check out his page and dig into the work he’s doing – I always learn something from Dave.”

“The Beats aren’t frozen in amber. What these writers wrote about and inspired us to do is go out and live life intentionally and deliberately and full-on and photgraph your tears…”

~ Dave Olson

+ What the Poets are Saying

Poet / creative project advisor Marc Zegans, shared his kind words (adding tinder to the little flame)

Marvelously rich and detailed interview. I was particularly struck by Dave’s account of how he kept adapting his plans to the ever-changing situation with respect to the Kobe exhibition. His laid back adaptations in the moment would, I imagine, make Gary Snyder smile. Also loved the bit about choosing the Red Norvo track for the film. it does resonate strongly as something Sal and Dean might have been listening to in the big old Hudson. Thoroughly enjoyed Dave’s account of his journey to, from, and back to Japan. Wonderful questions Simon, and thoroughly engaging responses.

Marc Zegans via Rock and Beat Generation

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