*Dinosaur* Fish – buy it, cut it, eat it in Noto / Shinkonryoko Ramble – Dave Olson's Creative Life Archive

*Dinosaur* Fish – buy it, cut it, eat it in Noto / Shinkonryoko Ramble

Sensei keeps sensei-ing
Cutting dinosaur fish
From morning auction

[Note: catching up with dossiers from May 2019 when we took an extended ramble around rural areas of Japan as “part one” honeymoon]

While visiting the brilliant and magnificent Hongo sensei on the Noto peninsula in Ishikawa prefecture Japan, we went to a local fish auction – scant steps from his house which is built from a repurposed fish processing facility/boathouse – and purchased this fish (details below)

At the time, things I didn’t know included:

One, it’s a very strange, ancient, rare, complicated, and potentially dangerous fish

Two, he would teach Ryoko how to butcher it


Three, we would eat it prepared *at least* six different ways

Sensei & student – both awesome

I really shoulda livestreamed this process

He’s patiently explaining each grisly step to the wife who is now covered in fish guts and blood

Keep in mind Hongo-sensei was a forestry professor, this is just a bonus skill

Rob says, “They are poisonous. I did not know they got this big!”

i learned, “As it goes, the females are significantly larger than the males of the species. I have a whole lot more fish photos for a fun identification “game””

Anko (ankou?) is Japanese name for “anglerfish”, blurb:

The anglerfish is a fish of the teleost order Lophiiformes (/ˌlɒfiɪˈfɔːrmiːz/).[1] It is a bony fish named for its characteristic mode of predation, in which a fleshy growth from the fish’s head (the esca or illicium) acts as a lure.

A mitochondrial genome phylogenetic study suggested the anglerfishes diversified in a short period of the early to mid-Cretaceous, between 130 and 100 million years ago.

{a bonanza of so many different kinds fish on auction offer for your enjoyment, thanks to Sandra for helping out with names

The good news is these critters live hundreds and hundreds if not thousands of feet below the surface

Cutest lil butcher (brother Dan sats, “Great Tintin adventure outfit for Ryoko, too.”

Stats: 10kg, ¥2500, Anko

PS we are about to eat this fish so if this is my last post, remember I love you #Poisonous

Ominous foreshadowing – however I’m still breathing… Maybe the poison takes a little while to kick in

Blurb: On our meandering adventure of a honeymoon in May-June 2019, we travelled by many means of convenience including a wide variety of trains, rental cars, occasional coach buses and what not. See the whole Shinkonryoko Scrapbook for a mixed-media ephemera overview and a list of places visited for the curious.

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