Tag Archives: smcamp

“Internet Has a Short Memory” / collage slides and notes (Social Media Camp 2016)

"Internet Has a Short Memory" / cover (CCCP 1972 hockey sweater)
“Internet Has a Short Memory” / cover (CCCP 1972 hockey sweater)

Official Blurb:

“Don’t miss this “Fireside Chat” with Dave Olson, an experienced public presenter who informs and entertains with a unique style including numerous visual aids, analog artifacts and interactive activities.

Dave’s presentations always inspire fresh thinking by evoking the spirit of historical luminaries remixed with anecdotes from 17+ years in web tech and travel to 30 countries.

This time around, he’ll riff on topics about future-proofing, disappearing content, the importance of archiving, media research, and documenting and publishing artifacts with an eye towards forever. Along the way will be anecdotes about Radiouserland, Samuel Peyps, Clayoquot blockades, and exploration of other forms of what we now call “social media.”


Collage “paper point” slides, including back sides containing my notes, and a few comments/annotations/quotes captured by the audience, [note: additional roundup of Internet Has a Short Memory available] ergo:

Continue reading “Internet Has a Short Memory” / collage slides and notes (Social Media Camp 2016)

Internet Has a Short Memory – Artifacts from #SMCamp 2016

What follows is a roundup of media, reactions, comments and so on from my talk “Internet Has a Short Memory” at Social Media Camp, Victoria, BC, Canada, May 2016. Scroll the embedded curation device for all coverage.

the speakers of Social Media Camp 2016, Victoria
the speakers of Social Media Camp 2016, Victoria, BC, Canada (Sean Smith’s photo, though he’s in it so don’t know who snapped it…)