Tag Archives: winter

“I Saved Latin” meets Mike Watt and The Secondmen at Winter’s Tavern, Pacifica

4-up view of I Saved Latin" from American Laundromat Records
4-up view of I Saved Latin – A Tribute to Wes Anderson” from American Laundromat Records

As a fan of Wes Anderson movies, indie rock and vinyl, this rare unique gem from American Laundromat Records was a must have. Its like they conceived the project with me as target market. Ergo: songs featured in Wes Anderson’s eclectic-as-fck oeuvre, but performed/covered by indie rock bands.

Mike Watt and The Secondmen at Winter's Tavern's – Pacifica, California with The Freak Accident opening / marquee
Mike Watt and The Secondmen at Winter’s Tavern’s – Pacifica, California with The Freak Accident opening / marquee

The album is filled with surprises no doubt but, I managed to provide a surprise for the goodly Mike Watt and his Secondmen at a show at my favourite dive bar Winters (@nocrapontap) in Pacifica, California on Dec. 6, 2016… (by the way, after a rough stretch – death of Mom – my buddy “Maddog” Mike McCarthy went with me for which i was grateful – i have a snap of the ticket somewhere too).

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The Duff Man! – Olympic Laughs with the Gold Medal Skeleton-ist – Olympic Outsider #8

Duff Gibson, Gold Medalist

Go downhill, fast! for: The Duff Man! – Olympic Laughs with the Superhero Skeleton-ist Duff Gibson – Olympic Outsider #8

Torino 2006 Skeleton Gold Medalist athlete Duff Gibson chats with Olympic Outsider host Dave Olson about having a beer named after him, life as a Calgary fireman, being Canada’s (and the world’s) oldest gold medalist, training for technical and speed courses, the Whistler track, athletic challenges and the future of the sport at an Olympic rally at the Vancouver Art Gallery in May 2006.

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