Tag Archives: papa

Tiger Year 2022: Flashback Musings in Present Moment

A meandering rundown from the kura barn about New Year routines, foods and rituals in Japan, plus usual gabba gabba about postcards, lucky numbers and postal obsessions… but this time featuring various hats and even more personal translucency, unnecessary archaeology, remarks about improving the campsite, being a good hubbo and papa, health situation, life admin tasks, blank sheets, re-caps of projects: poems, pods, vids, trips – and various anecdotes about wonderful pals, probably you ya beauty.

Very important annotations

Special hellos to friends in places where I left pieces of my heart – important for a rambling type with out that “regular hometown” vibe.

Typing Intentions + Annotations (with coffee), New Year 2021

Typed for the record and placed on the altar of importancy

Intentions (some, not all) and Annotations (various)
for 2021 / Reiwa 3

Did a little live streamed hang out while banging out some big picture themes and a bunch of practical to-do tasks {as well as a note to self}.

Fiddled with Lettera 34 typewriter to get it operational and then talked my way through various big thoughts and practical plans for the year ahead including a “note to self“ that I won’t get all these things done but I’ve *come so far so fast – so, so “steady on davey, steady on.

Anyway, lovingly – if not perfectly – typed on hemp paper on my erstwhile custom letterhead / and now up on the altar for the kami to help.

Video: Come spin through the video spiel if you have a notion. {It’s over on the face space to see how I got to this point}. Let’s try (gets rolling at :20 min after i silicon up the machine)

{embed not possible due to background music it seems / incidental fair use?}

Summary: Evolutions, not Resolutions, slowly slowly > Your creativity is not going away anywhere, you have decades ahead, first build a foundation & then castle that’s above

The Results ^ note: please lend me a hand – whether it be practical or encouragement – I am wide open to advice and good vibes, truly.

Ichiro: card #34 “ofuro” (birthday suits) / 8.16

Ichiro: card #34 “ofuro” (birthday suits) / 8.16

Ichiro: card #34 “ofuro” (birthday suits) / 8.16
#IchiroOlson / card no. 35 of series #io

I’ve been practicing my whole life for this… we will go to so many sento, onsen, rotenburo – hot springs everywhere together.

PS is the moustache more Ned Flanders or Jimmy Buffet?

Ichiro: card #33 “jazz lounging” (with drums) / 8.15

Ichiro: card #33 “jazz lounging” (with drums) / 8.15

Ichiro: card #33 “jazz lounging” (with drums) / 8.15
#IchiroOlson / card no. 33 of series #io

Note: (sometimes) I think we pretty much had a kid just so he would have to start a band, whether he wants to or not. I’ll be the old rock ‘n’ roll dad making flyers and standing at the back with earplugs (who am I kidding? I’ll be up in the riding the rail at 70 years old ha ha)

Ichiro: card #31 “2 passports (for now)” + hat pin and pencil / 8.8

Ichiro: card #31 “2 passports (for now)” / with hat pin and pencil / 8.8

‪Ichiro card #31

Today: swept kura grain barn studio > application for various citizenship certificates & passports > listened to Talking Heads with Ryoko Olson + bath time with this remarkable dude Ichiro Stanley Thorvald ‬

PS possibly hard to believe but… he’s even cuter in real life. Continue reading Ichiro: card #31 “2 passports (for now)” + hat pin and pencil / 8.8

Ichiro: card #30 “passports outtakes” (for peace) / 8.6

Ichiro: card #30 “passports outtakes” (for peace) / 8.6

Ichiro Stanley Olson! card # 30
Adorable outtakes from DiY passport photo

The big reason I care about preventing war, effectuating peace, spreading kindness, earnest education, honest dialogue, endless kindness, practical empathy, sincere respect.

(more about peace: UW 3>s Peace / Alternatives are Unworthy (Remembering Nagasaki)